We don't update this blog very often, please visit MOVES for the latest info on all things Ruffeo Hearts Lil Snotty
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
FOR the most recent RHLS news please visit the MOVES blog
We don't update this blog very often, please visit MOVES for the latest info on all things Ruffeo Hearts Lil Snotty
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday April 10th starting at 4 pm RHLS Trunk Show and Luncheon Chop'd n Skrew'd Karaoke with Smoak Mosheein -------------------------- MOVES Fun Place presents: A very special lunch time trunk show with Ruffeo Hearts Lil Snotty 20%-50% off ALL designs +plus+ Chopd n Skrewd Karaoke with world renowned DJ Smhoak Mosheein Request your favorite song in as a comment Bring sandwich makings, donuts, fruit,breakfasty things, lunchy things,brunchy things etc. SUNDAY APRIL 10. 4PM. MOVES 214 FRANKLIN ST. (GREENPOINT G). BUZZ HOT DOG TO GET IN |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
LBD = Little Black Dashiki
Dogs I'm a dude on The Uniform Project, bow wow!
It has been a major exciting and intense month with Sarah's pilot-hood at The U.P. We pulled one last all-nighter to make this LBD- Little Black Dashiki- come to life! Ok its more like a one piece track suit, but I could definitely make it my uniform.
About the Mackswell LBD:
The inspiration was Dashiki meets Little Black Dress. When Sheena (founder of The Uniform Project) asked if I would be the first male to make a guest appearance with The U.P. (I did a nifty lil dance) and immediately starting envisioning something that could be a fitted, formal-esc suit with a secret built in expansion mansion. This thing Pajamas Hood! Serious, this morning on our walk back from the shoot all my bois in Bedstuy were already passing me props. My Dude King Kobra: "Damn Mackswell! You got some *ucked up style!" He wanted to trade me jumpsuits.. Next time.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Sunday 2/6/11 Lettuce Re-JUICE

Fun with nutrition, in liquid form! Here's the idea: Bring your favorite fruit or vegetable and see how it tastes when you turn it into juice. Mix your veggie/fruit with anothers' favorite.. create a new taste. create a new friendship?
RHLS is really obsessed with juicing in general but we are also doing this to get people thinking about affordable awesome ways to be healthy.. Because we are raising money for City Harvest with ...the help of the uniform project. Sarah is the U.P. pilot, Lil' Snotty wears the same little black dress everyday for a month and accessorizes. Spreading the fun of sustainable fashion and raising awareness and fund$ for a great cause. You cant argue with that.
So we are asking people to donate a little to this cause http://theuniformproject.c
Toss something in the tip jar if you're juicing (we'll also have vodka available to spice it up), a percentage will go to City Harvest. Or do some shopping at the RHLS Store, a percentage of all sales will also go to city harvest!!
Feel free to bring Snacks to share! Bring friends, Scew the Super Bowl come hang out at MOVES!
SUNDAY 2/6 1:30 - 8:30
214 Franklin St Brooklyn, NY 11222 off Greenpoint G stop
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
ATTN NYC Hair Stylists!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
RHLS in Swedish! In English!
So if you caught yesterday's blog post, you know that we were just featured in Helsingborgs Dagblad , a Swedish Newspaper. ( http://hd.se/)
The article was based on interviews with three American fashion designers. Here's our answers to the interview with a brief summary of the entire article at the end:
When, how and why did you start working with recycled materials?
We started upcycling right off the bat when we founded Ruffeo Hearts Lil Snotty in Olympia Washiington. That would have been in 2005.. Although we dont really claim the first two years cus we were figuring things out in a major way. Drawing inspiration from vintage sweatshirts and jackets was a huge part of those figuring things out years. How did we start recycling? : It involved a lot of digging at Good Will and Value Village, gotta love mondays at value village, thats when things get marked down to $1!! Back in those days we'd get a (preferably large) vintage crew and turn the sleeves into a sars guard hood, then we'd tack arms on from a different sweatshirt or jacket. Seam ripping all these garments apart to make them fit properly really informed our pattern making department. Why? Well we launched as a sustainable clothing line and continue to structure our business to operate sustainably, so we wanted to source fabric with a 0 impact carbon footprint. It was lofty and idealistic and turned out to be majorly too time consuming to do production in said manner. We moved to Seattle and found a gold mine of bulk neon sweatshirt fleece at goodwill and it changed our lives forever. We learned one can actually streamline production when you cut from bolts rather than fragments and used garments. So now we use a mix of recycled materials and new fabric from ethically operating mills from mainly Turkey and India.
I think we kinda covered past materials in the last question. Mackswells fave material is 80/20 cotton/poly sweatshirt fleece.... Sarah likes athletic mesh. We want to start designing/producing with that new washable sewable PAPER! Yes you will see RHLS using paper a bit in late 2011/12.
Yes dudes totally take our undies tutorial!! Or the fanny pack one is pretty great too!! Its on Threadbanger.com or just click this link:
http://www.threadbanger.com/threadheads /post/10596/ruffeo-hearts-lil-snotty-how-to-make-boy-shorts
Our friend Josefin gave us a summary about the rest of the article and told us it "basically talks about how recycling fabrics in the fashion industry is becoming a trend. Mostly because fabrics are expensive but also the environmental aspect of it, and that every piece of garment becomes unique. The disadvantage of recycling fabrics is that it's almost impossible to mass produce, you can almost always make only one of each.
Then they talk about the other guys; one of them is using brass (?) to make jewelery, the other one made evening gowns using mosquito nets and other stuff from the military surplus store ( for her spring collections she has used British military parachutes from the 1960's)."
The article was based on interviews with three American fashion designers. Here's our answers to the interview with a brief summary of the entire article at the end:
When, how and why did you start working with recycled materials?
We started upcycling right off the bat when we founded Ruffeo Hearts Lil Snotty in Olympia Washiington. That would have been in 2005.. Although we dont really claim the first two years cus we were figuring things out in a major way. Drawing inspiration from vintage sweatshirts and jackets was a huge part of those figuring things out years. How did we start recycling? : It involved a lot of digging at Good Will and Value Village, gotta love mondays at value village, thats when things get marked down to $1!! Back in those days we'd get a (preferably large) vintage crew and turn the sleeves into a sars guard hood, then we'd tack arms on from a different sweatshirt or jacket. Seam ripping all these garments apart to make them fit properly really informed our pattern making department. Why? Well we launched as a sustainable clothing line and continue to structure our business to operate sustainably, so we wanted to source fabric with a 0 impact carbon footprint. It was lofty and idealistic and turned out to be majorly too time consuming to do production in said manner. We moved to Seattle and found a gold mine of bulk neon sweatshirt fleece at goodwill and it changed our lives forever. We learned one can actually streamline production when you cut from bolts rather than fragments and used garments. So now we use a mix of recycled materials and new fabric from ethically operating mills from mainly Turkey and India.
Which materials have you worked with so far? Which are your favorites? Any material you would like to use in the future?
I think we kinda covered past materials in the last question. Mackswells fave material is 80/20 cotton/poly sweatshirt fleece.... Sarah likes athletic mesh. We want to start designing/producing with that new washable sewable PAPER! Yes you will see RHLS using paper a bit in late 2011/12.
What recycled materials will we see more of 2011? How will the green trend develop, do you think? Or in which direction would you like it to go?
Paper. seriously its genius. I hear theres some new wearable/brethable plastic too, with like zip lock thingies as zippers. Future finally! We keep talking about recycling in this interview. And its kind of a loose term.. Not trying to be a chump and attack your vocabulary here but I think this is an important time (in the interview and in the world) to define "recycling" as it applies to the fashion industry. Recycling to me means to re use a thing. Then theres upcycling that means taking a thing and turning it into something new. And Deadstock is kind of in the middle because its abandoned and destined to become trash if the right people dont find it and save it (the right people =s rag traders or inventive designers who explore). I think the future of green will not be to source from deadsotck or recycle or upcycle exactly.. because those are finite fabric sources and techniques for clothing manufacturing. I believe we are going to use manufacturer/consumer waste of all kinds (paper, plastic, fabric remnants, minerals, even cracking open some landfills would help!) and create new synthetic textiles. You get me? We cant make everything from used materials forever if the trend becomes popular (vintage/ deadstock) will run out. we perceive a deficit in sustainable fabric, even the process of turning bamboo into jersey or canvas is dependent heavily on chemical processes. No better than the process of creating cotton. It would be really nice to avoid further environmental degeneration before the planet is totally fucked. So we asking our final customers to think about every step the process of how the things they buy are made. Slave labor is some archaic bullshit that needs to stop. Thats a no brainer. But also we are asking our customers to ask their favorite designers how their source material is made. If its not done transparently and sustainably humans aren't going to make it for the long haul.
Edible clothing and textiles with vitamins or medicine inside it… There are many exciting experiments going on right now -
If you had a time machine and traveled to 2050, what do you think people are wearing and what is it made of?
Abercrombie and Fitch I hope (I think I already answered that one in last question)
What do you wear yourself? Do you buy new or vintage?
We dont make a ton of purchases honestly. But when we do we buy from local designers who are made in the USA. Ok I'll admit my Patricia Field hat is made in Viet Nam, you cant get everything made in the USA/the same town you live in, but we're working to kill that trend. We'd buy vintage more but its so damn trendy in NYC (button up vintage shirt =s $45-$75) that you might as well spend the extra $20 to $50 and buy designer gear. We wear a lot of our own stuff. Im wearing an XXXXL Sars guard Quadrocepticon Hoody n quad leggings right now. Sarahs got some "stretch fucking denim" pants on from Pat Field, and a shirt from Magick Outlaw on (t shirt designer carried at our store "MOVES").
No actually our heros generally arent in the fashion industry.. Tho Tara St. James the designer behind "Study NYC" is an amazing inspiration to us. She gave a lecture at our store about clothing manufacturing local vs outsource and was very open about her past experience producing out of Inda and her current production in NYC.. Shes a gem. Other than that my heros tend to be visionary sci fi writers and film makers.. Robert A. Heinlein, Phillip K Dick, John Waters... Heinlein strikes me as a bit of a misogynist religious fucker but you see him transending it in his career..
Please mention your role models, perhaps other designers or people that recycle within other fields?
Do you have any fashion DIY recycling projects to recommend our readers, how to make a purse out of a pair of jeans or something along those lines..? Could be anything inspiring!
Yes dudes totally take our undies tutorial!! Or the fanny pack one is pretty great too!! Its on Threadbanger.com or just click this link:
Our friend Josefin gave us a summary about the rest of the article and told us it "basically talks about how recycling fabrics in the fashion industry is becoming a trend. Mostly because fabrics are expensive but also the environmental aspect of it, and that every piece of garment becomes unique. The disadvantage of recycling fabrics is that it's almost impossible to mass produce, you can almost always make only one of each.
Then they talk about the other guys; one of them is using brass (?) to make jewelery, the other one made evening gowns using mosquito nets and other stuff from the military surplus store ( for her spring collections she has used British military parachutes from the 1960's)."
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
The RHLS Store Grand Opening Party..
We had a party. It was totally insane. There was ribbon cutting, Balloons dropped, Anna from These Are Powers led a very touching toast, toasting almost 3 years of RHLS in NYC, and the cumulation of many awesome experiences (such as Outfitting Powers for music video Easy Answers) into the actualization of the new store. If you were there you understand that we had like 500 people throughout the night. It was pretty much divine chaos.. But we're not sure everyone realized that it was the opening of "The RHLS Store!" So here are some pictures of the night to enjoy and some product shots of the the new stores' roster of goods, featuring RHLS accompanied by our favorite Brooklyn and Philadelphia designers.

This sneaker collab is also only available at RHLS. We are the only brick mortar shop in the world carrying this sneaker, WHAT?! Krit hand-printed 50 sneakers. He did this in his past Bushwick studio using Glow in the dark, Neon responsive inks. Not only do they give you seizures via technicolor they have a LED light nestled within the tongue that flashes when walking.


RHLS Super Model India Charmain wearing the XXXL Quadrocepticon Sars Guard Hood



If you missed the show make sure and check out the awesome sounds of
They were really amazing. Thank you Divos for making the night special.
Yo! JoAnne Berman and Manoush, a past protege of Andy Warhol, have released a collab project available exclusively at The RHLS Store/ MOVES Gallery! You have to come peep this shit asap before it disapears!
This sneaker collab is also only available at RHLS. We are the only brick mortar shop in the world carrying this sneaker, WHAT?! Krit hand-printed 50 sneakers. He did this in his past Bushwick studio using Glow in the dark, Neon responsive inks. Not only do they give you seizures via technicolor they have a LED light nestled within the tongue that flashes when walking.
If you missed the show make sure and check out the awesome sounds of
They were really amazing. Thank you Divos for making the night special.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Valentines Day Special Sale

Valentines Day special!! 10% off any undies ordered by February 1st using discount code: CHAIN at the RHLS webstore: http://rhls.bigcartel.com/
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
RHLS Store/MOVES Gallery Grand Opening Party

So on the 14th we're getting fancy with a ribbon cutting ceremony, champagne, ET&T, etc. The 21st will be the most ridiculous party to happen at Moves/The RHLS Store yet! Cus its the GRAND OPENING PARTY!! First about the bands, second about sneakers.
Open Bar 8-9pm
We love Electrolite Footwear. We want to eat every pair in our limmeted eddition run only available at The RHLS Store. Korakrit Korakrit Arunanondchai is our favorite visual artist in the world. And he is Mackswells soul brother/Macks is the white version of Krit, etc. Now Krit has designed and handprinted 50 pairs of GLOW IN THE DARK SNEAKERS! Not only do they glow they have a fucking LED that flashes from within the tounge. Sneaker launch!! PS RHLS is doing the next collab sneaker in febuary.. sshhhh its top secret!
Electrolites is gonna give away some t shirts. RHLS will too. Man hump contest. Show ends earlyish (12amish), bands start at 9pm.
RHLS Store re - opening BALLOON DROP

MOVES is proud to Present the RHLS Store Ribbon Cutting and Balloon Drop Ceremony of 2011!
As many of you may know, Sarah and Mackswell have been living on a goat farm teaching goats to be abstinent and tolerant of other goats but now we are back and better than ever.
Join us in our regal celebration of a new era.
Come to Moves on Friday January 14 th for some good, clean popping and dropping. Special performance by ET & T Smooth Jams by DJ Peter Pieper Free drinks and discounts on RHLS gear from noon to 8pm, Ceremony starts 8 FREE//ALL AGES 214 Franklin St |
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